Safeguarding and Child Protection


Dubai Scholars Private School recognises its obligation to protect and promote the safeguarding and welfare of the children and young people in its care. In developing the policies and procedures, the School considered the most recent Child Protection legislation in the UAE and the United Kingdom.

We agree that all students, regardless of age, gender, race, limitations, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs, have the right to be protected.

The objectives that underpin this responsibility are:

  1. To protect children from harm (maltreatment).
  2. To prevent impairment of children’s health and development.
  3. To ensure children grow up in circumstances that promote the provision of safe and effective care.
  4. To take action to ensure that all children have the greatest possible results.

The School’s commitment to these goals is addressed through well-defined prevention, protection, and reporting procedures. 

The School Safeguarding Team

Ms. Janet O’Keeffe
Safeguarding Governor
Ms Fauzia Waheed
Safeguarding head
Ms. Ditty J Adavichira
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms. Ashmita Daswaney
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms. Stephanie Silveira
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead FS and Primary
Shahbaaz Tambe
Deputy Safeguarding Lead Secondary
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