- +971-4-706-9000
- admissions@dubaischolars.com
- Mon - Thurs : 07:10 - 15:30, Fri: 7:10 - 11:45
Dubai Scholars invites reputable external providers into the school premises to offer an array of paid ECAs. This programme is separate from the school curriculum and allows students the opportunity to engage in additional activities, whether this is for enjoyment, to enhance their skill set or to work towards a certified qualification. We have formed this partnership to deliver a programme which is enriching for our students whilst also offering a convenient, safe and secure location.
All activity provider’s bring to Dubai Scholars qualified coaches to share their knowledge and expertise within each discipline, ranging from communication skills, robotics, creative writing, sports and more!
To know more about about extra curricular programme, please click here.
Please click here to access the Sports Calendar for Academic Year 2023-2024.