Nursery Provision

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

- Margaret Mead

Admissions Open for 2024-25


The nursery follows the British EYFS program based on the 7 areas of development.

and Language

Communication and language underpins a child’s understanding, speaking, listening and attention skills. Communication and language is developed through rhythm and rhyme time, messy play, show and tell, group time, small world play and 1:1 Key Person time.

Personal Social and Emotional Development

Personal, social and emotional development helps children to develop a positive sense and respect for themselves, and for others. It enables children to learn social skills and a positive attitude to learning.


Physical development encourages moving and handling and helps develop an understanding of health and self-care. Physical development is encouraged in lots of ways including; obstacle courses, garden games (spatial awareness), mark making, threading and self-care activities.

the World

Understanding the world explores people and communities, the world and technology. We support understanding the world through small world play, computer play, science experiments, music time, visiting the local community and celebrating festivals.

Arts & Design

Expressive artsand design develops imagination by exploring and using media and materials through construction, role play, exploring materials, musical movement and creative activities.


Literacy is the foundation of learning to read and write. We support Literacy development through story time, mark-making, letter of the week and book of the month.


Mathematics develops the understanding of numbers, shape, space and measure. You will find Mathematics in our water play, cooking, puzzles, sequencing activities, following routine and mealtimes.

The nursery has a provision for the following areas in order to inspire and promote language and communication, a real focus for our toddlers that will assist them into the transition to big school:

  • Role play in familiar ways such as home corner, kitchen, shop etc…
  • Reading & Story telling integrated throughout the classroom such as story corner, puppet theatre…
  • Mark making: writing or mark making area, large free paper wall etc…
  • Number integrated throughout the classroom: counting areas, numbered pencil pots, number washing line etc…
  • Small world imaginative play
  • Construction and building
  • Cutting and sticking
  • Playdough
  • Painting
Upon completion of the nursery level, students will be automatically enrolled in the FS program, unless the school is informed otherwise. 


The nursery accommodates pre-school children from 2 years old.


Academic Year 2023-24

Tuition Fee
1st Term (AED)
Tuition Fee
2nd Term (AED)
Tuition Fee
3rd Term (AED)
Total (AED)

Academic Year 2024-25

Tuition Fee
1st Term (AED)
Tuition Fee
2nd Term (AED)
Tuition Fee
3rd Term (AED)
Total (AED)

Dear Parents of our Tiny Tots,

It gives us immense pleasure to welcome you to the DS Nursery which we have reinstated after decades.  It will be a year of fun and amazing growth for your little star. We will sing songs and read stories.  Our classroom is set up with exciting things to do and see. 

As the Head of the Nursery, I would like to reassure you that your child is in safe hands.  I will always be there to ensure that the learning journey of your child is enjoyable and memorable.  Please feel free to write to me at in case you have any questions or concerns. 

I am looking forward to undertaking the nursery adventure with your little one and the family! 

Welcome to the Dubai Scholars experience! 

Warm regards, 

Ms. Fauzia Waheed

Ms. Fauzia Waheed

Nursery Manager

Parents can reach out to Ms. Mariette Mehra, our Admissions Manager at for their child’s admissions at Dubai Scholars nursery.

Admissions Contact