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DS Newsletter – Primary: 23 March 2024

Dear Parents,

I hope this message finds you and your families well. As we approach the upcoming March Break, I wanted to take a moment to share some important information and considerations, particularly regarding the celebration of Eid.

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for your ongoing support and cooperation as we navigate through this academic year together. Your partnership has been invaluable to us here at Dubai Scholars.

March Break is an eagerly anticipated time for our students to rest, recharge, and spend quality time with their loved ones. As we approach this break, I encourage you to prioritize safety and well-being. With the ongoing concerns surrounding the pandemic, please adhere to any relevant guidelines and precautions issued by health authorities. Let’s continue to ensure the health and safety of our community remains our top priority.

Additionally, I would like to extend warm wishes to those in our community who will be celebrating Eid during this period. Eid is a joyous occasion that holds significant cultural and religious importance for many of our families. It’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and celebration of community bonds. As a school, we embrace and respect the diversity within our community and acknowledge the importance of inclusivity and understanding.

Considering this, I encourage all families to engage in discussions with their children about the significance of Eid and the importance of cultural awareness and acceptance. By fostering a sense of understanding and respect for different traditions and beliefs, we enrich the fabric of our school community and promote empathy and compassion among our students.

During this March Break and Eid celebrations, I urge you to take time for self-care, cherish moments with your loved ones, and embrace the spirit of togetherness and unity that defines our community.

Wishing you all a safe, rejuvenating, and joyous March Break and Eid celebration.

Frank Scarcelli

Head of School


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