- +971-4-706-9000
- admissions@dubaischolars.com
- Mon - Thurs : 07:10 - 15:30, Fri: 7:10 - 12:30
Dear Parents,
It is my great pleasure that I welcome you to Dubai Scholars Private School. A school where students shine, smile and succeed. By bringing your child here to learn you really have put them in the hands of a school with a rich legacy of quality learning in Dubai.
Dubai Scholars has fantastic qualities in abundance: students are charming, respectful, aspirational, innovative and curious.
DS has benefitted in the first part of its journey, 46 years ago from the brilliant leadership of Mrs. Miranda, and I am determined to continue the journey onwards from where she began. My beliefs resonate entirely with Mrs. Miranda, in that we both focus our attention on the support, encouragement and nurturing of the very highest standards of student and staff development. This focus is manifested in the daily experiences that your children have with our staff, moments infused with inspiration, challenge and care, moments that will nurture students into lifelong learners and change-makers in the world. We work in pursuit of excellence and together with our students and their parents we have built and will continue to build a community where each person can find their talents and explore new horizons.
That sense of whole community focus and collaboration is an essential feature of the very best schools, and you will find me to be a keen advocate of high-quality partnerships and an eager listening ear to your perspective as a parent. Whether you come to school every day, at sporting or performing arts events, or just for parent consultations and workshops, please do take the opportunity to seek me out and come and have a chat.
We warmly welcome you to come and see our amazing students and have a tour of our happy and vibrant campus.
Best wishes,
Mr. Frank Scarcelli